Oracle TLS Support
To configure both JDBC and ODBC to support the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol, there are additional configuration steps that are needed when compared to this previous article. Read More
To configure both JDBC and ODBC to support the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol, there are additional configuration steps that are needed when compared to this previous article. Read More
Since SQL Server has changed the functionality and default behavior of their driver, this article will go over the basic ODBC and JDBC connections required for the IRI software backend (CoSort SortCL engine in Voracity) and job design front-end (IRI Workbench, respectively, to Microsoft SQL Server databases on-premise or in the cloud which use encrypted connections. Read More
Over the course of this blog series, we’ve described several data management capabilities, as well as why those capabilities are important and worth caring about. We’ve covered testing, both in terms of test design automation and test data management, data governance and data masking, data migration and modernization, and data quality and improvement. Read More
In the previous article in this series, we discussed the importance of improving and maintaining the quality of your data. Along the same lines, it is also very important to make sure your data is well-governed. Read More
It always bears repeating that being able to serve up high-quality data is really important. This is partly because the consequences of poor data quality can be severe – misleading analytics, stymied processes, greater storage costs (due to duplicated data), and so on – but also because historically many organizations have not treated data quality as the priority it should be. Read More
Manually initiating SortCL-compatible jobs in IRI Voracity ETL, CoSort reporting, FieldShield masking, or NextForm migration scenarios is not realistic or productive in environments where data in sources are being added or changed dynamically. Read More
This article is a continuation of the previous article, which introduced IRI support for XLS and XLSX file formats in the SortCL program used for moving and manipulating spreadsheet data in both the IRI Voracity data management (ETL, data quality, etc.) Read More
In addition to all the other structured data sources that IRI software already supports, it is now possible to read, process and write data from and to XLS and XLSX files in the SortCL program central to:
IRI CoSort, for fast sorting, transformation, and reporting IRI NextForm, for mapping, migration, and replication IRI RowGen, for random selection or generation of realistic test data IRI FieldShield, for sensitive data masking IRI Voracity, for all the above, plus ETL, data cleansing, and wrangling for analyticsand to write the resulting data back to those or other targets, including one or more Excel sheets. Read More
The names of IRI software products and how they run have at times been a source of mystery, or even confusion, to the uninitiated. This article spells out the pieces and clarifies their interplay, providing a quick primer for prospective users, partners, and new industry analysts. Read More
IRI Workbench contains a section of field-level Data Generation Rules for use in IRI RowGen test data synthesis, FieldShield data masking, and other SortCL-compatible tasks or Voracity (ETL) work flows. Read More
Abstract: IRI has partnered with Windocks to provide an on-demand, test-ready virtualized repository that delivers masked, subsetted or synthesized databases in seconds for Docker containers, conventional instances, or workstations. Read More