Big Data Transformations with CoSort (Structured Data)
In 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC, long since acquired) asked IRI to develop a 4GL interface to CoSort in the syntax of the VAX VMS sort/merge utility. Read More
In 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC, long since acquired) asked IRI to develop a 4GL interface to CoSort in the syntax of the VAX VMS sort/merge utility. Read More
Finding more speed when loading big data is a challenge in ETL, reorg, and very large database (VLDB) index populate operations. Read More
Changing between column and row formats is an online analytical processing (OLAP) activity that optimizes data structures for queries and reports.
A pivot transformation turns multiple rows of data into one, denormalizing a data set into a more compact version by rotating the input data on a column value. Read More
Star schema is the simplest and most common database modelling structure used in traditional data warehouse paradigms. The schema resembles a constellation of stars — generally several bright stars (facts) surrounded by dimmer ones (dimensions) where one or more fact tables reference different dimension tables. Read More
One of the main concerns DBAs who need to unload big data from very large database (VLDB) tables have is speed. Faster unloading makes data accessible in different forms for different purposes and platforms. Read More
IRI FACT (Fast Extract) rapidly unloads huge tables in Oracle, Sybase, DB2 UDB, MySQL, SQL Server, Altibase, Greenplum, Teradata, and Tibero to flat files. FACT uses native drivers and parallelization technologies to unload up to 7X faster than other methods. Read More
This demonstration shows how IRI Workbench users can preview the format of data when they are creating job scripts. The data can populate from the actual input sources or from generated test data. Read More
IRI CoSort is the world’s #1 sort, and single-pass “super tool” for data transformation, reporting, and more. Use CoSort to migrate legacy sorts and data, accelerate BI, DB, and ETL tools, and replace SQL, shell scripts, and 3GL programs that can’t transform fast enough. Read More
IRI Voracity is an affordable data management platform that streamlines information architectures and helps enterprises leverage the intrinsic value of data without the cost or complexity of multiple tools. Read More
This demonstration shows how to execute an existing workflow in IRI Voracity using the built-in job scheduler in its Eclipse GUI, IRI Workbench. The scheduler launches any jobs you’ve queued in the run configuration dialog one or more times. Read More
This demonstration shows how to use IRI Voracity in Workbench to create an ETL workflow from scratch.
Flow diagrams are an all encompassing job design tool meant to allow the user the ability to integrate, migrate, govern, and analyze data in multiple formats. Read More