Oracle TLS Support
To configure both JDBC and ODBC to support the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol, there are additional configuration steps that are needed when compared to this previous article. Read More
To configure both JDBC and ODBC to support the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol, there are additional configuration steps that are needed when compared to this previous article. Read More
Corporations and government agencies store a lot of useful information in non-transactional semi-structured and unstructured data sources. Finding that data – in documents, logs, and images – is important not only for data masking, but also for textual ETL. Read More
Since SQL Server has changed the functionality and default behavior of their driver, this article will go over the basic ODBC and JDBC connections required for the IRI software backend (CoSort SortCL engine in Voracity) and job design front-end (IRI Workbench, respectively, to Microsoft SQL Server databases on-premise or in the cloud which use encrypted connections. Read More
IRI Voracity is a data management platform that we have previously talked about at some length. It offers capabilities for data integration, data governance, data masking, test data management, data quality, data cleansing, data migration, and so on (and on, and on). Read More
As you may already know, IRI DarkShield produces search annotations and masking results with every operation. These log files can contain a large volume of data, including:
metadata about the file/database source(s) what data was found as a match which matcher matched the data how the data was masked (if it was) where matches occurred within each file or database. Read MoreIn past articles we have discussed the Data Class & Rules Library and leveraged this library in data classification processes (Schema Data Class Search and Directory Data Class Search), that in turn produce a file called a Data Class Map. Read More
The Schema Data Class Search wizard in IRI Workbench (WB) designs search jobs for (PII or other) data in relational database schemas. The searches you configure in the wizard will compare data in entire schemas to location (metadata) and/or data (content) matchers that you previously associated with specific data classes (like email addresses, names, phone numbers, etc.). Read More
Editor’s Note: This article is part of a series of articles on using DarkShield to search and mask sensitive data in relational databases. This new support for RDB sources in DarkShield can augment or replace IRI FieldShield support for the same data classes, locational searches and masking functions for certain use cases. Read More
IRI DarkShield includes fit-for-purpose facilities in the graphical IRI Workbench IDE that build jobs to search (classify) and mask (remediate) PII and other sensitive data in “dark data” sources. Read More
Editor’s Note: This article addresses the migration of data class information between older and newer versions of the IRI Workbench graphical IDE for Voracity data management platform software and its component products. Read More
Abstract: HIPAA, GDPR, FERPA, and other data privacy laws require that personally identifiable information (PII) and related data considered sensitive be protected from disclosure or discovery. Read More