Expand IRI Workbench with Eclipse Marketplace
The Eclipse Marketplace Client
The Eclipse Marketplace Client (MPC) is a new, ergonomic interface for finding and installing Eclipse plugins into your workspace. MPC features a convenient drag and drop process to put new solutions in play and expand the value of IRI Workbench in your enterprise — either within or beyond IRI Voracity data management operations.
As you know, IRI Workbench is the full-featured integrated development environment (IDE) built on Eclipse for Voracity and its component data processing products. We published this article to familiarize you with MPC installation and use in Workbench to help you enhance and extend its data management framework whenever indicated.
Installing MPC into IRI Workbench
To install MPC it is necessary to first perform these steps:
First open up IRI Preferences window:
Access Preferences from here, or from Window, Preferences
Next, expand the Install/Update tab in the left panel of the IRI Preferences window, and click on Available Software Sites:
In the next step, click Add … to manually add more download site URLs:
That dialog will prompt you to manually add a new download site name and URL. You will need to do this twice, as there are two URLs to specify (find them in this XML file).
After adding the two sites, they will be shown among the other available software sites. They need to be marked on in their corresponding checkboxes to the left. Afterwards, you should see something similar to the displays below.
After you have added the two download site URLs, go to Install New Software from under the Help menu:
From here, select MPC in the dropdown menu, click the checkbox, and begin installing it:
Once this process is finished, restart IRI Workbench. You can then access Eclipse Marketplace from the Help menu the same way any other Eclipse user would:
After installing MPC into IRI Workbench, you can open it to search and install any plug-in available from Eclipse Marketplace; e.g.,
If you want your Workbench to have access to the thousands of external Eclipse plugins, we highly recommend setting up MPC. Future solutions from IRI or others designed to work specifically with IRI Workbench operations may also be accessible from the Marketplace. It is therefore a good idea to have MPC installed ahead of time.
If you have any questions, reply below. If you need help using IRI Workbench, please contact your IRI representative.