Data Masking: Obscuring Dates and Ages
Editor’s Note: Note that this article refers to older but still supported methods for obfuscating PII elements like dates of birth and ages in IRI FieldShield. Read More
Editor’s Note: Note that this article refers to older but still supported methods for obfuscating PII elements like dates of birth and ages in IRI FieldShield. Read More
Database Test Data Usage – This blog caught my eye because of its title, Do the right thing when testing with production data. It struck me as oxymoronic, since we know production data should not be used for testing at all …
Of course we know how tempting it is to use production data for testing applications, simulating databases, prototyping ETL operations, and just about anything else that needs to work with the real thing. Read More
Data migration is done using NextForm; IRI’s data migration utility for converting large files into different formats and/or translating field-level data into other types. The current version converts between uniform XML and text files, LDIF and CSV, Vision and ISAM, MF COBOL variable-length files and Excel, etc. Read More
Data at Rest is Data at Risk. Mitigate the Risk through Data-Centric Security
Data Risk Mitigation … the need for it is on the rise in the United States and around the globe. Read More
ODBC, Open Database Connectivity, is an industry-standard application programming interface (API) for access to both relational and non-relational database management systems (DBMS). ODBC was first developed by the SQL Access Group (SAG) in 1992 in response to the need to access data stored in a variety of proprietary personal computer, minicomputer, and mainframe databases without having to know their proprietary interfaces.
Data privacy breaches are becoming more and more prevalent and common in the United States today. Â Did you know that on average, as many as 72,000 documented breaches of personally identifiable information (i.e. Read More
This article deals with pseudonymization as one method of de-identifying or anonymizing sensitive data.
The unauthorized use or misuse of our personally identifiable information (or PII) — such as name, social security number, date of birth, mother’s maiden name, place of birth, etc. Read More
It is a common mistake to refer to data masking and data encryption interchangeably to mean the same things. While field-level encryption is considered one of many possible “data masking” functions, we define data masking and encryption as technically distinct processes below. Read More