Using the Voracity Pivot / Unpivot Wizard
A new wizard in the IRI Workbench GUI for Voracity can pivot or unpivot relational data. A pivot transformation converts rows to columns and is helpful when dealing with denormalized tables. Read More
A new wizard in the IRI Workbench GUI for Voracity can pivot or unpivot relational data. A pivot transformation converts rows to columns and is helpful when dealing with denormalized tables. Read More
This is the third in a series of articles for creating an IRI Voracity ETL flow of a month-end job for processing sales transactions.
In the first article, we brought an existing CoSort SortCL job script that processes month-end sales transactions into Voracity and made modifications. Read More
This is the second in series of articles illustrating on how to use existing IRI CoSort (SortCL) jobs in graphical IRI Voracity ETL workflows, or more simply, flows. Read More
This is first in a series of articles explaining how to create and use Flows in the IRI Workbench GUI for Voracity. Flows contain ETL and other data processing steps, and are illustrated in flow and transform mapping diagrams in the GUI. Read More