Joining Flat-File & RDB Data: Textual ETL (Part 2)
IntroductionThis article demonstrates the Voracity user’s ability to join values in a flat-file file to those in an RDB (Relational Database) table to provide meaningful information. Read More
This article demonstrates the Voracity user’s ability to join values in a flat-file file to those in an RDB (Relational Database) table to provide meaningful information. Read More
In addition to all the other structured data sources that IRI software already supports, it is now possible to read, process and write data from and to XLS and XLSX files in the SortCL program central to:
IRI CoSort, for fast sorting, transformation, and reporting IRI NextForm, for mapping, migration, and replication IRI RowGen, for random selection or generation of realistic test data IRI FieldShield, for sensitive data masking IRI Voracity, for all the above, plus ETL, data cleansing, and wrangling for analyticsand to write the resulting data back to those or other targets, including one or more Excel sheets. Read More
This is the first of a three-part blog series introducing IRI’s new data structuring technology. This article defines “dark data” and the unstructured sources IRI now supports. Read More
As IRI CoSort integrates and stages big data from a variety of sources, it plays a natural role in producing data for reporting and analytics.
CoSort not only transforms data for loading data warehouse tables, it can report at the same time, or feed data in filtered, aggregated, sorted, and properly formatted subsets (like .CSV Read More
In 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC, long since acquired) asked IRI to develop a 4GL interface to CoSort in the syntax of the VAX VMS sort/merge utility. Read More