Joining Flat-File & RDB Data: Textual ETL (Part 2)
IntroductionThis article demonstrates the Voracity user’s ability to join values in a flat-file file to those in an RDB (Relational Database) table to provide meaningful information. Read More
This article demonstrates the Voracity user’s ability to join values in a flat-file file to those in an RDB (Relational Database) table to provide meaningful information. Read More
This is the first in a series of blog posts that will highlight the various data management capabilities provided by IRI Voracity across a range of contexts and use cases. Read More
Public and private cloud file systems are becoming increasingly popular places for businesses and government agencies to store their data. Several major competitors have arisen in the cloud storage provider space, with Amazon, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform at the top. Read More
IRI’s data management tools share a familiar and self-documenting metadata language called SortCL. All these tools — including CoSort, FieldShield, NextForm, and RowGen — require data definition file (DDF) layouts with /FIELD specifications for each data source so the data is mapped to the metadata. Read More
This article is the fourth in our 4-part series on feeding the Datadog cloud analytic platform with different kinds of data from IRI Voracity operations. It focuses on visualizing search logs from the DarkShield unstructured data masking product (also a Voracity component) in Datadog for security analytics. Read More
Note: This article covers the third available IRI customer method for statically masking or encrypting PII in structured MongoDB collections through the IRI FieldShield product or IRI Voracity platform (both powered by IRI CoSort v10 and its support of the native MongoDB driver). Read More
This is the first of a four-part series of blog articles examining the inherent tradeoffs between data processing and information storage and presentation within traditional ETL paradigms — from the ODS to the data lake. Read More
This is part 2 of a 4-part series on Production Analytics. Processing on Par with Information [Part 1] Processing Real World Data [Part 3] Unifying the Worlds of Information and Processing [Part 4]
Considering data processing as a central component of data management and on a par with databases offers new insights on how to improve overall efficiency and return on investment in traditional data warehouses. Read More
Enterprise data continues to change rapidly in form, size, use, and residence. Rarely does it remain in siloed constructs anymore, limited to certain business units or untouched by the outside world. Read More
Intelligent. Fierce. Powerful. Fast. Voracious.
Killer whales, or orcas thrive in every world ocean and in many seas. They are intelligent, lively, and highly social creatures that form close, matrilineal groups. Read More