Selected Questions and Answers
Important note: The FAQs below are not a comprehensive resource, and only address a fraction of the available capabilities in IRI software or questions people ask.
Please visit the IRI solutions and products sections to learn more. Also, do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, or need details on specific features or options applicable to your use case(s).
How can your product(s) mask data in MongoDB?
For MongoDB, FieldShield or DarkShield can find and mask sensitive data in different ways, depending on which fits your use case best. Note that DarkShield can handl both cases below. But more specifically,
if all the data in the collections is all strutured:
- 1st Method: FieldShield w/CSV export & import
- 2nd Method: FieldShield w/CData O/JDBC drivers
- 3rd Method: FieldShield w/IRI BSON driver
or, if your collection(s) also contain semi-structured (JSON) or unstructured (document, image, free text, etc.):
- 4th Method: DarkShield GUI
- 5th Method: DarkShield API