IRI CoSort® package users get free access to a powerful graphical user interface (GUI) for SortCL job design, execution, deployment, and management called IRI Workbench.
Workbench is a plug-in to the Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that connects to, profiles, and works with the metadata in multiple data sources.

SortCL uses simple metadata to define the layouts (DDL) and manipulations (DML) of structured data sources (tables and files). With or without Workbench, SortCL users can perform, and combine:
- data integration (ETL, federation, cleansing)
- data transformation (e.g., filter, sort, join, aggregate, pivot)
- data migration (data, file, database, and endian conversion)
- data masking (e.g., encrypt, mask, de-ID, pseudonymize)
- report generation (detail, delta, summary)
The IRI Workbench provides several new functional and ergonomic features for CoSort SortCL job development, execution, and management as discussed in this section and, generally, here.
Workbench GUI also supports:
- IRI FACT (fast extract)
- IRI FieldShield (structured and semi-structured data masking)
- IRI DarkShield (unstructured data masking)
- IRI NextForm (data migration)
- IRI RowGen (test data)
- IRI Voracity (total data management)
In addition to managing SortCL batch or command-line task scripts, you can use Workbench to manage multi-DB SQL operations, develop Java and other applications, and work with other plug-ins like Knime for Analytics -- all in the same pane of glass.