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ETL Modernization
The cost of both legacy and open source ETL tools has now become too high to justify keeping them, or starting more projects with them.
They also cannot perform well when data volumes exceed memory. That means more hardware and infrastructure costs. And, their complexity means more consulting costs.
IRI (The CoSort Company), the leader in affordable big data manipulation, has successfully partnered with erwin and DataSwitch to help you can rapidly convert the mappings in your legacy ETL tool to faster, cheaper, and simpler jobs in IRI Voracity.
"Smart Connectors" available from Quest or automatic mapping migration via DataSwitch are proven Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions for migrating existing ETL jobs and metadata to IRI Voracity.
Within a few weeks or months, you can re-platform your ETL jobs to Voracity from:
- Ab Initio
- Actian/Pervasive Data Integrator
- IBM InfoSphere DataStage
- Informatica PowerCenter
- Microsoft SQL Server SSIS
- Oracle Data Integrator
- Oracle Warehouse Builder
- Pentaho Data Integrator
- SQL and PL/SQL procedures
- Talend
And, if part of your strategy is to reduce costs by eliminating expensive database platforms like Teradata or Netezza, you can also use automation to accelerate these migration processes in parallel.
The time and cost of migration will depend on the number and complexity of the mappings you have. Quest and DataSwitch are two proven experts in the field replatforming ETL tools through their hub and out to other ETL tools. They can rapidly assess and report on your job inventory and data lineage at the same time.
The cost of Voracity is a fraction of every major ETL tool listed above. IRI has deliberately remained a low overhead provider of best-in-class data movement and manipulation technology since it introduced CoSort in 1978. See how much faster Voracity runs because of its CoSort engine by benchmarking it against your ETL tool jobs.

Voracity is the only modern high-performance data integration and data life cycle management platform that combines data discovery (profiling), integration, migration, governance, and analytics in Eclipse. Voracity is powered by IRI CoSort or seamless MapReduce 2, Spark, Spark Stream, Storm, or Tez engines.

Find out why Voracity -- built on Eclipse™ and powered interchangeably by CoSort or Hadoop engines -- provides a better data integration tool and data management platform alternative than the slower, more expensive ETL vendor that you can finally leave.