Expert Consultants
Industry Alliances
International Resellers
Embed Opportunities
Power and Secure Your Apps with IRI Inside
IRI provides software for integration into third-party applications to provide them with big data manipulation performance or embedded security. Available libraries include:
- CoSort API - C library for high-performance sorting
- SortCL Runtime API - C library for high-performance sorting, transformation, and reporting
- FieldShield API - C, Java or .NET SDK for dynamic data masking (encrypt, hash, redact) functions
- RowGen API - Java SDK for generating test data in Hadoop or other applications
Integrate and Sell Your Software in IRI Voracity
ISV partners can also engage with us in the other direction, contributing and indirectly selling their software into the IRI Voracity data management ecosystem as an available option. Examples include:
- Solusi247 - for Hadoop integration so Voracity jobs run seamlessly in MapReduce, Spark, Storm, and Tez
- CONNX - O/JDBC drivers to legacy and modern (appliance, cloud, SaaS) data sources
- AnalytixDS - Mapping Manager and CATfx templates, for ETL design and third-party ETL tool conversion
- PaQueS, pending - for shard-powered self-service BI and analytics
Please complete this application for either scenario, so we can review and discuss your plans.