IRI customers in this segment can use the IRI Voracity ETL platform or its decades-proven IRI CoSort engine to integrate, stage and wrangle massive amounts of purchase-related reference data from:
- sales and booking records
- consumer and demographic surveys
- financial data, including price indices, property markets, and insurance risk
- marketing and prescription databases
- catalog and reward program subscriptions
- web logs (clickstream analytics)
Identify, cleanse, and help report on buying behavior. Perform customer data integration and change data capture in high volume data warehouses and e-commerce data webhouses, operational data stores, data lakes, and flat files. Use your preferred BI or analytic tool, or leverage compatible analytic and machine learning tools like KNIME to predict behavior.
If you are concerned about data privacy, Voracity-included (or standalone) IRI FieldShield, CellShield or DarkShield discovery and masking tools classify, find, and protect PANs, PHI, or other PII subject to regulations like the GDPR, HIPAA and PCI-DSS. And Voracity-included DB subsetting and synthetic test data (IRI RowGen) tools help you safely and intelligently prototype and demonstrate databases and applications.
In summary then, IRI Voracity is as Production Analytic Platform that will help you pre-process data big and small so you can more efficiently and affordably profile demographic and geographic segments, conduct and analyze marketing programs, effect branding and loyalty campaigns, manage master data, and optimize revenue through advertising, pricing, and promotional decisions. And its other-included capabilities will help you improve data quality, mask sensitive data, and generate test data to mitigate data breach and compliance risk while you optimize analytic outcomes.
IRI licensees in this space include:
- Abacus/Doubleclick
- CoreLogic
- Damark
- Datahold
- Datamatics
- Database Tech
- Equifax
- Experian
- First Data Resources
- Harte Hanks
- iBehavior
- Infoglobo
- Information Resources
- Infospace
- Johnson & Quinn
- Lexis/Nexis
- Loyalty Group
- Mereo
- Merkle
- Nielsen
- NPD Group
- Rudolf Haufe Verlag
- Sabre
- Thomson Reuters
- TripAdvisor
- Verifone
- Web Decisions
- Ziff-Davis