NextForm Certification


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When you have attained a level of expertise in the use of IRI NextForm -- through either on-the-job experience or an authorized training course -- you have likely qualified for an official certification letter suitable for consulting engagements, job applications, and IT training centers. Following are various levels of certification you can obtain from IRI, and the USD cost of each certificate (which does not include training or validation).

NextForm I

NextForm II

NextForm I


  • None


Install, license, and configure for command line use. Write scripts that convert multiple flat file formats and field-level data types. Do the same using IRI Workbench wizards and dialogs. Change field-level endian settings and target record layouts. Explain the use of NextForm in legacy platform migrations and COBOL index file conversions.


$75 USD

NextForm II


  • NextForm I


DB Migration wizard in the IRI Workbench, to convert a complete source database to a different database target while respecting primary foreign key relationships in the source and index and constraint considerations in the target. Explain the value of data and database migration in big data, DW, EAI, and information management hubs.


$100 USD

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