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DBTA Names IRI a Top 100 Data Management Company Again

Big Data Manipulation & Masking ISV Recognized for Fifth Straight Year

Melbourne, FL - June 12, 2020 - PR Newswire - Innovative Routines International (IRI, a/k/a The CoSort Company), has once again been listed among the data industry’s top 100 firms by Database Trends and Applications (DBTA) magazine. This is the fifth year in a row that the data management ISV was included in the “DBTA 100: The Companies That Matter Most in Data”. The list spotlights "innovative vendors [who] are addressing both emerging and long-standing challenges" in data management.

“Today, there is a constantly evolving list of data management issues that organizations are contending with. In addition to pressures of exploding data volumes, there is urgent demand for real-time, data-driven insights as well as more widespread data access,” stated DBTA Group Publisher Tom Hogan, Jr. “Expanding regulatory mandates also demand greater data quality and governance, as do cybersecurity threats,” he added.

IRI SVP and COO David Friedland concurred in IRI's acknowledgment of its 2020 list inclusion. "IRI is excited to be at the forefront of all of these trends, and to offer accessible, affordable solutions to the everyday challenges of multi-source data management that chief data officers, BI/DW solution architects, programmer/analysts, data scientists, and data governance officers require." His "View from the Top" article is featured in the DBTA 2020 issue posted on June 10th. 

Through its component software products and graphical facilities in Eclipse, the IRI Voracity platform performs and combines these essential operations for data big and small, on-premise and in the cloud:

  • Data Discovery (Profiling, Classification, Search)
  • Data Integration (ETL, MDM, CDC)
  • Fast, Consolidated Data Transformations
  • Data Quality (Validation, Cleansing, Enrichment)
  • Data and Database Migration and Replication
  • Static and Dynamic Data Masking
  • Re-ID Risk Scoring and Anonymization
  • Database Subsetting and Synthetic Test Data
  • Embedded BI (Custom Reporting with Math and Stats)
  • Data Wrangling for Datadog, KNIME and Splunk
  • Acceleration of BOBJ, Cognos, Microstrategy, Oracle BI, Power BI, Qlik, R, Spotfire, and Tableau

Beyond its breadth of capability, IRI software is known for superior performance in enterprise data centers, but affordability for SMBs. According to IRI Solutions Director Lisa Mangino, “Voracity users benefit from 42 years of speed improvements to IRI's default CoSort data processing program, as well as multiple Hadoop options that run many of the same jobs," allowing them to "design once, deploy many." She explained that customer savings come from IRI's "agile development around a well-integrated IP stack which is simplified by a common back- and front-end. And they appreciate our low-key approach to marketing, and deliberate lack of debt and VC which raise costs."

About Database Trends and Applications
Database Trends and Applications (DBTA), published by Information Today, Inc., is a bimonthly magazine that delivers advanced trend analysis and case studies in data management. Visit for subscription information. DBTA also delivers groundbreaking market research exclusively through its Unisphere Research group.

About IRI, The CoSort Company
IRI is a US data management and protection ISV founded in 1978 and represented in 40 cities worldwide. Powered by the data definition and manipulation program in its CoSort data transformation and reporting utility, IRI products include: FieldShield, CellShield, and DarkShield for data masking, NextForm for data and database migration, RowGen for test data synthesis, and Voracity, the total data management platform built on Eclipse for data discovery, integration, migration, governance, and analytics. Visit for more information.

Press Contact:
Craig Schein, IRI
321-777-8889, ext. 229

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