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DBTA Names IRI FieldShield V6 a Trend Setting Product for 2025

New Innovations in Popular Structured Data Discovery and Masking Tool 

March 12, 2025 - Melbourne, FL - Database Trends and Applications (DBTA) Magazine has included the latest version of the flagship FieldShield data masking tool in its list of "Trend-Setting Products in Data and Information Management for 2025." Innovative Routines International (, better known as IRI, The CoSort Company, first released FieldShield as a standalone data masking product for structured files and relational database tables in 2011. FieldShield is also a consituent product of the IRI Data Protector suite and an included component of the IRI Voracity data management platform.

The new version introduces several advanced features for data breach mitigation, test data management, and privacy law compliance:

Enhanced File Coverage: The new version supports ASN.1-encoded CDR files and flat files stored in Amazon S3, Azure Blob, and Google Cloud Platform. This expands source and target options beyond existing support for RDBs, flat-files on-premise, and Excel sheets.

Upgraded Data Classification & Discovery: Revamped infrastructure in the IRI Workbench GUI offers faster and easier data labeling. V6 supports global or project-specific data class groups for various privacy laws and sensitivity levels.

DarkShield API Integration: FieldShield V6 jobs can call an IRI DarkShield rule to find and mask PII floating in semi- and unstructured text columns of a relational database.

Advanced PII Dashboard: Newer HTML5 charts provide better insights into data sources, PII classifications, and job durations for sensitive data auditing.

Expanded Masking Rules: Additional PII obfuscation methods include smart email and NID generators, versatile nested functions, and format-preserving scrambling to deliver more deterministic and non-deterministic, data masking options. 

FieldShield V6 also remains the only data masking tool supporting advanced business logic, re-ID risk scoring, and a range of data profiling and anonymization features for RDB test environments. And by leveraging DarkShield (for unstructured data), RowGen (for smart data synthesis), and/or CoSort (for fast data integration, cleansing and reporting) functionality in their jobs, FieldShield users can apply data masking in many more use cases.

About IRI, The CoSort Company
IRI is a leading US data management ISV founded in 1978 and represented in 40 cities worldwide. IRI software products like FieldShield share the same open metadata, plus a familiar, extensible and free Eclipse IDE supporting both:

Fast Data Management
Data profiling, cleansing, integration, migration, and reporting, plus 3rd-party BI/DB/ETL platform acceleration


Data-Centric Protection
PII/PHI classification, discovery, and de-identification, plus re-ID risk scoring, and robust test data generation

Visit for more information.

Press Contact:
Luluk Soraya, IRI
321-777-8889, ext. 238

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