In ELT (extract, load, transform) operations, database extracts are fed into a staging database which performs the transformations.

The default data integration paradigm in the IRI Voracity platform and its constituent IRI Data Manager suite tools is ETL. However, they also support SQL ELT jobs in their free Eclipse™ workflow designer, and optimize their performance with the market's fastest unload and pre-load sort engines.
See the element descriptions below to learn how Voracity components (also available standalone) deliver the fastest, most affordable, and interoperable ways to integrate data via ELT:
Using native drivers and specialized parallel extraction techniques, IRI FACT (Fast Extract) rapidly unloads data from tables in: Oracle, DB2, Sybase, MySQL, SQL Server, Altibase, Greenplum, and Teradata.
FACT products flat files containing the selected data with incredible speed. FACT uses SQL query syntax to help you get the data you need. Built-in formatting options support your target's formatting requirements.
By pre-sorting the extracts, you can dramatically improve the performance of any relational database load utility. Any of the high-performance sort utilities in IRI CoSort can pre-sort the flat files, along with web logs, COBOL index files, and other data sources bound for your data warehouse database or other applications.
In ELT operations, an RDBMS usually performs the transformations. Built-in ER diagramming, database profiling, and graphical SQL editing tools in the IRI Workbench IDE for Voracity, built on Eclipse, facilitate SQL operations.
Consider also the chance to "\'lighten the load" of transformations before or after loading. The SortCL program in Voracity or CoSort performs all the same data transformations that SQL does. But SortCL does them much faster, in a single I/O pass outside the database.
SortCL scripts are also smaller and simpler, and use central metadata that is standard across all supported IRI data sources. SortCL can transform the data in the flat-file extracts, or in the tables themselves.
Both FACT and CoSort are available separately, or as part of the IRI Data Manager software suite or IRI Voracity data management platform with visual workflow. You can design, run, and manage the operations of all IRI software in the same free IRI Workbench GUI.